How to vote for Will Stewart for Mayor
on Tuesday, September 19, 2023

#1 Make a plan to vote

Any Manchester resident who is 18 years or older on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, and a United States citizen is eligible to vote in the Primary Election, which will take place from 6am to 7pm.

#2 Reach out to everyone you know in Manchester

This election is going to come down to a small handful of votes. Every text message or DM, or email reminder you send could help make the difference!

Identify friends in any of Manchester’s 12 wards who can also vote for Will—reach out to them and let them know why they should vote for Will on Tuesday, September 19.

Feel free to copy this link when sending around reminders:

Remember, they can register to vote the day of the election!

#3 Learn about (and share!) Will Stewart’s campaign for Mayor

Once you’ve locked in YOUR plan to vote (or if you’ve already absentee) — help us get out the vote and make sure we send Will to the Mayor’s Office.